Thursday, August 17, 2006

Goodbye Japan

Dear Nihon,

I'm going to miss you, Japan. I've fallen in love with you and your people. I love the way you think and the way you talk. Your songs have such beautiful lyics. Your language fascinates me.

To people who don't know you, you often seem so cold and mysterious. But you have a heart of gold. You welcome visitors and lavish kindness on them. Even if you aren't keen on them staying forever.

I wanted to get to know better, but you are so emotionally complicated that you made it hard for me. I have enjoyed our three years together, and I will never forget them. But you have made it clear to me that we don't have a future together, we just can't seem to live with eachother. I do want to come back and see you again someday.

It's hard to leave you here, Japan, when I really don't know what comes next. But it is time to leave. I'm glad I stayed as long as I did. You taught me so much, helped me to grow as an individual.

I pray that you too will grow and develop, and mature into a country even more full of admirable character.


Sincerely yours,
Matthew Shettler


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